lipoliz anasayfa


is performed for stubborn areas that do not get thinner, where fat burning is difficult.


Skin Aging

Although one should think about the skin on the whole body when they hear skin aging, cosmetically the skin aging on the face is in question in general.

Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic fluid which forms in relation with the cellular activities of the body is collected from inside the tissues with the lymph vessels.

ışık dolgu anasayfa

Hair Mesotherapy

Mesolifting is one of the most effective methods in facial rejuvenation. Usually.

sac mezoterapisi anasayfa

Our Treatments

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Skin Aging

The most clinical characteristic of skin aging are wrinkles. With time, in the skin...

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Lymphatic Drainage

By means of speeding up the lymphatic venous circulation in the body, the things accumulated between the veins.

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Cellulite Treatment

Anticellulite cocktail, fat burning cocktail, carnitine and Hyaluronidase products.

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By means of injecting a solution that breaks down fats and speeds up the metabolism.

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Facial Mesotherapy

Non-surgical eyelid esthetic is performed with a device called ‘Plasma BT’ which generates plasma energy.

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H-100 Youth Vaccine

It is used for increasing the moisture capacity of the skin, tightening the sagging/deformed areas and...

Patient Comments

şafak göktaş

About Dr. Şafak Göktaş

I was born on May 18, 1980 in Ankara. Since my father was also a doctor, I spent my childhood in different cities Ankara, Eskişehir, Istanbul, and Erzincan. I completed my secondary education and high school studies in Hüseyin Avni Sözen Anatolian High School that was considered one of the best schools in the city. After completing high school in 1998, I entered the faculty of medicine that was always in my mind. In 2004, I graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Istanbul Yeditepe University. Then I met the exam called TUS (examination for specialty in medicine. Between the years 2006 and 2012, I completed my specialization study in the Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Department in Istanbul Göztepe Training and Research Hospital of the Ministry of Health. Between the years 2012 and 2013, I completed my compulsory service as an Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist in Niğde Public Hospital. I served as an Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist in Private Göztepe Hospital and Gelişim Medical – Molecular Laboratories.

I own my “Dr. Şafak Göktaş Clinic” since 2015. In my clinic that I opened for medical aesthetic, I perform the operations such as enzymatic lipolysis, botox, filler, mesotherapy, PRP, skin rejuvenation, hand rejuvenation, botox for treatment purposes (for sweating, grinding of teeth, migrane), non-operative eyelid aesthetics, cellulite treatment, glutathione and alpha-lipoic acid treatment to strengthen the immune system, under eye light filling, needleless mesotherapy, and lymphatic drainage.

In order to develop myself also in this area, I have had the chance to participate in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Mestder (Medical Esthetic Association) Congresses, Mezoder (Mesotherapy Association) Congress, International IMCAS Paris Congress, International AMWC Congress held in Monaco, Dubai Derma Congress, and SIME Congress held in Rome, Italy since 2015. In 2020, I started my master’s degree in medical esthetics at Camerino University (which was established in 1336 and which is one of the oldest universities in Italy) in Rome, Italy. In terms of medical esthetics, I participated in the certificate programs of Ozone Application (Traditional and Complementary Medical Applications Center of Istanbul Medeniyet University) and Mesotherapy Application (Complementary Medical Application and Research Center of Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University). I also serve as a lecturer in the Faculty of Medicine at Maltepe University. I regularly give lectures in the faculty of medicine in English

I had international experiences as an observer and fellow at ;


2018 October, Royal Free Hospital, Dr. Mike Youle, London, UK

2016 April,  Fudan University, Huashan Hospital affiliated with Fudan University, Prof. Dr. Minggui Wang,  Shanghai, China

2014 December   University of Cape Town, Groote Schuur Hospital,  Prof. Dr. Marc Mendelson, Cape Town, South Africa

2013 June, University of Virgen Macarena, Prof. Dr. Jesus Rodriguez Bano, Sevilla, Spain


I believe what makes one the happiest is helping others. It is very precious for me to help people who want to feel better and have a more aesthetic look with natural touches. Since I can do this almost every day, I think I have found the right profession for me.


Dr. Safak Goktas

Medical Aesthetics, Phd

Infectios Diseases and Clinical Microbiology

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