Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite can be defined in its most general form as the irregular and unformed accumulation of fat, especially in the hip and upper leg area. Although it is considered a cosmetic issue, cellulite should be evaluated as a problem with medical and psychological dimensions.

Cellulite is a different condition from obesity. In obesity, there is only an increase in fat tissues. In cellulite, there are also structural disorders in fat tissues and circulation. Therefore, losing weight alone is not enough to solve the cellulite problem. In cellulite, fat accumulation occurs first. The accumulated fats compress the veins over time and cause circulation to deteriorate. Thus, fluid accumulation occurs in the area, the veins cannot be nourished and their structures deteriorate. This situation becomes a vicious circle over time. Fat accumulation in the tissues can lead to lymphatic circulation and nutrition disorders as well as water retention and deformations. Thus, cellulite becomes a medical problem beyond being an aesthetic problem.

selulit tedavisi

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite, one of the most common skin problems encountered by women, causes a bumpy-pitted orange peel-like appearance on the skin surface. It is mostly considered a localized skin problem affecting the thighs, hips and abdomen.

Cellulite formation is affected by the person’s lifestyle, genetics and hormonal structure. For this reason, even people with normal or even below normal weight are at risk of developing cellulite. Cellulite is much rarer in men than in women. This is because men have a much lower level of the estrogen hormone, which increases fat accumulation, compared to women.

What Causes Cellulite?

    Although the cause of cellulite formation is not known for sure, it is thought to be a result of the interaction between the connective tissue under the skin and the fat layer. Possible causes of cellulite include genetic factors, unhealthy diet, smoking, hormonal changes, sedentary lifestyle, weight loss or weight loss. It is also thought that sitting too much and wearing tight clothes are effective in the formation of cellulite.

    However, cellulite can also be seen in women who follow a healthy diet and exercise program and have no problems in their general health. The reason for this can be explained as the distribution of fat in the body creating a tendency for cellulite. Cellulite can occur due to many different factors, and almost all women face cellulite problems at some point in their lives and in some part of their body.

    The formation of cellulite begins with circulatory disorders. Due to circulatory disorders, the serum leaking from the walls of the veins accumulates in the tissue spaces and causes tissue edema. Edema causes both disruption in the communication between the blood and fat cells, and consequently, the metabolism of fat cells is disrupted, and the structure of the connective tissue deteriorates and hardens. As a result, nodules formed by overgrown fat tissue cells surrounded by fibrous bands that have lost their elasticity emerge. And these nodules cause the appearance of an orange peel on the skin surface. If the process continues at a more advanced stage, the nodules stick together and form larger nodules. Pain may occur due to the nodules pressing on the nerves.

    Cellulite consists of a sturdy septate conjunctive tissue, fat cell deposits trapped inside the conjunctive tissue, water and salt molecules. Regional fat accumulation reveals itself with the decrease in skin mobility and increase in thickness. When touched by hand, the skin feels hardened and lumpy.

    When Should Cellulite Treatment Be Performed?

    Cellulite is evaluated in 3 types. Type 1 cellulite, which is the initial stage of cellulite, is mostly seen in women with weight problems and lumps are seen on the skin when the cellulite area is squeezed by hand. The treatment of slippery and soft-looking cellulite at this stage is easier than other stages.

    Type 2 cellulite is seen frequently in women and is triggered by stress and hormonal imbalances. This type of cellulite, where the capillaries on the legs are clearly visible, can be treated with mesotherapy.

    Type 3 cellulite occurs when the early soft tissue becomes nodular and harder as the process progresses. In addition to being treated with special cream massages, special mesotherapy sessions and different methods, exercise movements that strengthen the skin and muscles are also needed.

    selülit tedavisi nasıl yapılır

    Who is Cellulite Treatment Suitable For?

    Cellulite treatment can be applied to anyone over the age of 18 except pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and those with active skin disease in the application area.

    How is Cellulite Treatment Performed?

    Many different methods are used to improve the appearance of cellulite, and each has its own results and side effects. Therefore, determining the treatment method after a patient-specific evaluation is an important issue for the success of cellulite treatment.

    In cellulite treatment with Coolsculpting; fat cells under the skin are frozen and fat cells are broken down. The appearance of cellulite areas on the skin can be eliminated with the absorption of the broken fat cells by the skin. This method should be applied for 3-4 months to obtain a visible result.

    In cellulite treatment with ultrasound, fats in the abdomen and thighs are reduced with sound waves. There is no need for surgical intervention in the treatment, which lasts approximately 2-3 months.

    In cellulite treatment with Celfina, needles are used to break the hard bands under the skin. Thus, it is aimed to end the appearance of cellulite in the thighs and hips.

    Acoustic wave therapy is also one of the methods that provide cellulite reduction. The acoustic wave therapy, in which the connective tissue in cellulite areas is vibrated, aims to increase collagen production. Thus, the skin regains the elasticity it has lost. At least a few sessions are required to see the results.

    In laser and radiofrequency treatments; infrared light and diode laser energy are used in combination and tissue massage is used. Heat and suction are also among the other methods used. After the laser treatment of cellulite, the hard bands under the skin are broken, and healing begins at least 6 months after the treatment.

    selülit tedavisi neden olur

    In the laser-assisted liposuction method, a thin tube is placed under the skin through a small incision made on the skin. And with the help of this tube, fat cells are sucked out. Although the liposuction method alone shapes the body, it may not eliminate cellulite or the orange peel appearance may become worse. Laser-assisted liposuction, on the other hand, provides more effective results in cellulite treatment. In this treatment, the skin is tightened and fat cells are also eliminated.

    In the cryolipolysis method, lipid molecules in regional fat cells located in areas such as the hips and abdomen are frozen. It is possible to achieve a visible improvement in the appearance of the skin gradually within two to three months.

    In the treatment of cellulite with carboxytherapy, carbon dioxide gas is injected into the lower layer of the skin. Although the appearance of cellulite is relieved after 7-10 sessions, side effects such as discomfort and bruising may occur after the procedure.

    Mesotherapy is one of the most preferred cellulite treatments. This method, which involves microinjection of a very small amount into the mesoderm layer of the skin, requires at least 10 sessions to achieve results. There should be at least 5 days between sessions.

    Is There Any Harm in Cellulite Treatment?

    Different methods are used for cellulite treatment and each method may have some side effects. However, if the application is done by experts and the appropriate methods are applied correctly to the patient, there is no harm.

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