PLLA Filler

PLLA Filler

Filling applications are among the most commonly used medical aesthetic procedures to eliminate lines that appear due to reasons such as gravity, harmful effects of sun rays and aging, to reduce wrinkles and to reshape the face. The fillers used today are different depending on the needs that may vary from person to person and the characteristics of the application area. Fillers show their effects by adding volume to the areas where they are injected. The dose amount to be injected for fillers, which can also be used to correct existing asymmetries in the application area, is determined depending on the desired effect.

Today, there are temporary, semi-permanent and permanent fillers. Permanent fillers contain synthetic materials. Since these materials are not compatible with the human body, the use of permanent fillers is not recommended. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are the most commonly used fillers and are compatible with human connective tissue. Hyaluronic acid can be defined as a polysaccharide found in human connective tissue that has the ability to create volume by retaining water. When the density of hyaluronic acid in the skin decreases due to aging, wrinkles and sagging are seen on the skin. Since a substance that is already present in the human body is injected with the use of hyaluronic acid-based fillers, no allergic reactions are encountered.

Calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) and poly-L–lactic acid (PLLA) fillers, which are more permanent fillers, have a more concentrated structure. In addition to stimulating collagen production in the skin, their permanence is longer. They do not cause allergic reactions and their effects begin to be clearly seen with an increase in collagen production after an average of 4 to 6 weeks of application.

plla dolgusu

What is PLLA Filler?

PLLA filler is a medical aesthetic procedure that triggers the body’s own natural collagen production process against wrinkles and signs of aging. PLLA filler contains microparticles that provide a flattening effect on the skin. PLLA filler, which is applied by injection, can achieve the desired fullness in the skin without causing any paralysis in the facial muscles and therefore without disrupting the natural facial expression.

A young and natural appearance can be achieved gradually with PLLA filler injection. Polylactic acid facial fillers do not provide improvement in the basic conditions that cause loss of facial volume. However, it helps improve the appearance of the skin by increasing the thickness in the treated areas.

A gradual effect can be achieved by applying PLLA filler step by step. The effects of PLLA filler injection begin to become noticeable within 3 to 6 weeks after the first application. In order for the effects to be completely noticeable, PLLA filler injection should be applied in an average of 3 treatments. The effects obtained as a result of PLLA filler injection last an average of 2 years and above.

In Which Areas Can PLLA Filler Be Applied?

PLLA fillers can generally be injected into various areas to eliminate problems such as deep skin imperfections, facial lines and wrinkles, Marionette lines, sagging jowls and scars. However, certain areas such as the forehead, lips, eyelids and tear troughs cannot be treated with PLLA filler procedures.

PLLA filler treatment can also be used in body shaping procedures to restore volume loss and depressions in the neck, chest, décolleté and hip areas.

Who Is PLLA Filler Suitable For?

PLLA fillers have the ability to adapt to the natural function of the skin in order to create gradual and subtle results. It is formulated to provide effective results that will gradually appear over time in the area to be treated. PLLA filler results, which have a permanence of around 2 years, usually begin to be seen within a few months. Because the injection of PLLA fillers encourages the body to produce collagen, which can be a long but rewarding process.

As with most injectable treatments, the PLLA filler procedure needs to be planned and implemented correctly for patients to achieve optimum benefit. Depending on the type of filler used and the characteristics of the injection site, three treatment sessions over several months will usually provide optimum benefit. The number of injections per session can vary depending on the desired effect and the patient’s specific treatment plan.

Is PLLA Filler Permanent?

Polylactic acid is a non-toxic and biodegradable dermal filler that is injected into the face and triggers the body’s collagen production. Although PLLA filler is not permanent, it is usually applied in 3 sessions at one-month intervals for clinical and aesthetic results to last between 24 and 36 months.

How is PLLA Filler Performed?

PLLA filler is applied by injection, as in other medical aesthetic procedures. As in all filling procedures, the skin is first cleaned and a local anesthetic cream is applied and the area is expected to be numb. Then, PLLA filler is applied to the area with fine-tipped needles or blunt-tipped needles. After the PLLA filler treatment, which is an extremely practical and comfortable procedure, patients can continue their daily lives where they left off. It takes 3 to 4 months after the application for the effect to be seen. This period is necessary for the formation of a sufficient amount of collagen, and the lifting effect on the skin begins to be noticed with the formation of collagen.

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