Masseter Botox

Masseter Botox

The main reason behind the problems of many people who are dissatisfied with the shape of their face is the jawline. When the masticatory muscle, in other words the masseter muscle, is excessively large or overdeveloped, a more masculine and square appearance appears in the jawline. Until recently, the only method that people who were uncomfortable with this appearance could resort to if they wanted to give their faces a heart-shaped or oval appearance was chin reduction surgery. Since chin reduction surgery is a surgical procedure, the recovery period is long and it is also known as a painful method. In addition, there is always a risk that the results obtained after chin reduction surgery will not look natural. In this case, the person may not be satisfied with their new appearance. With masseter botox, which has been implemented as a result of the development of botox applications, one of the most popular medical aesthetic procedures of today, it is possible to solve the aforementioned problems in a simple, practical and painless way. As a result, a much more aesthetic jawline can be obtained. The masseter muscle, which connects the cheekbone and the lower jawbone, is located on the side of the face. The masseter muscle is one of the muscles that helps with chewing, and the botox injection applied to this muscle is called masseter botox. Masseter botox is also known as jaw botox. The masseter botox procedure is basically performed in the same way as the standard botox procedure. In other words, within the scope of the masseter botox procedure, the nerve signals in the masseter muscle are temporarily blocked by injecting botulinum toxin. In this way, the movement of the masseter muscle is temporarily prevented. The masseter muscle can grow over time due to factors such as constantly repeated chewing movements or chewing hard foods. Bruxism, also known as stress-induced teeth clenching, is another factor that causes enlargement in the jaw muscles. It is possible to weaken and reduce the masseter muscle with the V-line botox, or masseter botox procedure. Thanks to the masseter botox application, the round or square muscle on the person’s face can be weakened and reduced. Thus, the face takes on a heart, triangle or oval shape. The masseter botox procedure relaxes the person’s jaw muscles and reduces the general tension in the face. Therefore, masseter botox is an extremely effective and ideal solution that can be applied to solve stress and teeth grinding problems.

What is Masseter Botox?

Masseter botox is considered a popular medical aesthetic applied for people to have an ideal jaw structure appearance. Since the face is reshaped thanks to the masseter botox application, women can have a much more aesthetic and attractive jaw structure. The ideal jaw shape is not the same for women and men. While women generally prefer jaw lines that provide a softer and more aesthetic appearance, men prefer a stronger expression with square facial features. The condition in which the masseter muscle, which is located on the side of the jaw area and has the feature of being the strongest chewing muscle, grows so much that it is visible outside and becomes prominent is called masseter hypertrophy. Factors such as teeth grinding, clenching, consuming hard foods and chewing too much gum can usually cause this condition. Many people clench their teeth without realizing it when they are under intense stress. As a result, the facial and chewing muscles grow, causing the aesthetic appearance of the face to deteriorate. With masseter botox injection, it is possible to reduce the square face shape that causes a hard and masculine appearance on the face and achieve a proportionate face shape.

How is Masseter Botox Performed?

Masseter botox is a method applied by injection into the masseter muscle. As in standard botox applications, a local anesthetic cream is applied to the application area before starting the masseter botox application. After the numbing effect is achieved, there is no pain or ache during the application. There is no interruption in the patient’s daily life after the masseter botox application, which is completed in an average of 15 to 20 minutes. The patient can continue his daily life where he left off. Since the masseter muscle does not contract as strongly as before after the injection, the masseter muscle does not expand and its volume decreases over time. Although the patient can continue his daily life where he left off after the masseter botox injection, there are some points to be careful about. One of these is not to rub the injection area, avoid pressure and exercise in the first 24 hours following the application. In this way, the injected Botulinum toxin can be prevented from spreading to surrounding tissues. These points are very important to obtain maximum efficiency from the applied treatment and to minimize the risk of side effects. If deemed necessary for the patient, it is possible to complete the masseter botox procedure in more than one session. The effect of masseter botox injection generally becomes fully apparent on the 14th day of the application. Although the teeth clenching problem disappears, approximately 6 to 8 weeks are needed for the muscle to shrink and the facial oval to become more distinct. Hard foods should not be consumed for the first 24 hours after masseter botox injection, and liquids should be included in the diet. The face should not be washed, bathed, or massaged in the injection area for at least 24 hours after masseter botox application. Again, make-up should not be applied for the first 6 to 8 hours following the application. Aspirin and other blood-thinning drugs should not be used for the 24 hours following masseter botox injection. It should also be remembered that skin care should not be done within a week following the operation. If a mild headache occurs after masseter botox treatment, using painkillers recommended by the doctor may be beneficial. Bruising may rarely occur in the application area. In addition, slight edema, tenderness and red dots at the injection points may be observed. Although rare, smiling asymmetry may occur after masseter botox. This condition will resolve itself in a short time. Specialist and experienced doctors should be preferred to obtain the most effective results.

What are the Advantages of Masseter Botox?

Masseter Botox procedure is generally applied to eliminate jaw tension, external grinding, pain and clenching problems and headaches caused by these conditions and to shape the square-shaped jaw. Thus, the person gains a balanced facial appearance. In cases where the width of the jaw is due to muscle mass, the most effective treatment method is masseter Botox. In addition, it is possible to eliminate jaw clenching and jaw pain problems caused by migraine, anxiety or dental problems with masseter Botox treatment. Although the growth of the masseter Botox muscle due to various reasons is not a very serious problem in terms of function, it can cause visual dissatisfaction. Because as a result of the growth in the masseter muscle, the jaw expands to the sides and the face shape takes on a square-like appearance. This situation can be a serious problem especially for women because they do not want to have hard and masculine facial features. Masseter Botox is an extremely safe, practical and comfortable application. Since it is not a surgical procedure, it is less risky than plastic surgery procedures. The fact that the results obtained are not permanent can be an important advantage as the old appearance will be restored in case of possible dissatisfaction. Since it is not a surgical procedure, the patient can continue their daily life without the need for a recovery period. Thanks to the masseter botox application, it is possible to thin the jaw structure and achieve a thinner and more oval face rather than a square appearance. It is possible to reduce the size of the jaw muscles with the masseter botox procedure applied to the jaw muscles. In this way, the person gains a thinner and more distinct jaw line. In addition, it is possible to get rid of pain caused by jaw clenching and teeth grinding with masseter botox.

Who is Masseter Botox Suitable For?

Masseter botox can be applied to people who are basically dissatisfied with the shape of their jaw and who do not have a health problem that prevents botox application. The masseter botox method, which is an extremely popular medical aesthetic procedure, is an effective solution for people whose jaw width is due to muscle mass rather than bone structure, who have an unclear jaw line, and who are unhappy with their face looking too square or round despite losing weight. In addition to these, masseter botox can be used for the treatment of Bruxism. Masseter Botox cannot be applied to women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, those with clotting disorders, those taking blood thinners, those who are hypersensitive to Botulinum toxin, and those whose general health condition prevents the application. Apart from this, the decision to apply masseter Botox is made after evaluations made for each patient.

When Does Masseter Botox Effect Pass?

The effect of masseter botox application starts to be seen within a week, and the targeted results are achieved within an average of 6 weeks. The effect of masseter botox, as in other botox applications, lasts approximately 4 to 6 months. Masseter botox application can be done in a single session or multiple sessions. In order to obtain a more effective and permanent result, it may be preferred to apply 3 times in 3 to 4 week periods. In order to extend the permanence of the results obtained with masseter botox injection, it may be possible to repeat the application at certain intervals, protect from the sun or use moisturizing cream. People who have health problems such as teeth grinding and clenching or who want to change their sharp and wide jawline, round-shaped facial structure and thus have a younger and more beautiful appearance can apply to masseter botox injection method.

What is Masseter Botox Used For?

The masseter muscle, also called the chewing muscle in the jaw, has the ability to balance the pressure that occurs during the chewing action. The masseter muscle may work more intensely than normal due to the chewing action causing more and higher pressure than normal, teeth clenching or grinding problems. This intensity leads to development in the masseter muscle as in other muscles. The development of the masseter muscle leads to a change in facial aesthetics on both sides of the jaw and to the face gaining a more angular appearance. The nerves in the area where the masseter botox injection is made are blocked, the movement of the muscles is prevented and reduced. In other words, the extra contractions that occur in the masseter muscle are paralyzed with masseter botox. The angular and hard lines that form on the face as a result of the growth of the masseter muscle are considered an aesthetic problem, especially in women. Thanks to masseter botox, these sharp lines can be softened and a smaller jaw structure can be achieved. However, the fact that medical benefits are also among the benefits of masseter botox application should not be ignored. It is a method that provides various medical supports to improve the symptoms of temporomandibular joint syndrome, which occurs due to problems such as jaw pain, teeth clenching and jaw clenching.

Frequently Asked Questions About Masseter Botox

There is no special recovery period required after masseter botox treatment. Since masseter botox is not a surgical procedure, there is no wound healing. However, after the injection, slight redness or slight swelling in the size of a dot may occur at the needle entry points. These natural symptoms usually disappear on their own within a few hours. Applying a cold compress at regular intervals for the first few hours may increase the patient’s comfort. It is important to avoid touching or rubbing the injection area for the first day.

Although a special diet should not be followed after masseter botox treatment, there are some points to be careful about. In this context, it is necessary not to chew hard foods, especially for the first 12 hours after masseter botox treatment. On the day of masseter botox treatment, care should be taken to consume liquid or pureed foods that do not require much chewing. Chewing gum, consuming large amounts of snacks and hard meat products can cause intense chewing movements and thickening of the jaw muscles.

The effect of masseter botox treatment lasts for an average of 4 to 6 months, and this period may vary depending on the person’s metabolic rate and the injected dose. In order to maintain the effect of botox injection on the masseter muscle, it must be repeated at 4 to 6 month intervals. However, after 3 masseter botox injections, which are usually done regularly, it is possible to perform masseter botox injections at longer intervals.

The effects of masseter botox injections begin to be seen within an average of 1 week, but the desired results are usually achieved within 6 weeks. Masseter botox treatment is temporary like other botox treatments. Although the effects of masseter botox application vary depending on many different factors, they last an average of 4 to 6 months. At the end of this period, masseter botox injections need to be renewed. However, with regular application, masseter botox injections may begin to be sufficient at longer intervals due to weakening of the masseter muscle.

Masseter Botox injection is a procedure that can be applied to eliminate the angular form or asymmetry that occurs in the lower part of the face due to excessive activity of the masseter muscle. Masseter Botox treatment can also be used to eliminate bruxism, which is characterized by clenching the teeth during the day or at night. Excessive use of the masseter muscle can cause bruxism, which in turn can cause cracking, abrasion and breakage in the teeth. In addition, growth in the masseter muscle can lead to increased headaches and triggering of migraine attacks. In these cases, masseter Botox is an effective solution. In cases where the face needs to be thinner, masseter Botox injection can be preferred to give the face a “V” shape.

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Çiğdem Han Tosunoğlu
Çiğdem Han Tosunoğlu
İstanbul’daki en iyi botoks vb. Uygulamaları yaptıracağınız yer. Uzun yıllardır tüm uygulamalardan çok Memnunum.
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Her konuda uzman güvenilir ellerdeyim.Neye ihtiyaç duyarsam hic düşünmeden Şafak beyi tercih ediyorum.Arzu hanimin güler yüzü ve ilgisi ayri bir tercih sebebi.Hersey icin teşekkürler.
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